My consultation went okay, doctor walked in pretty cocky and was kind of a jerk to begin with, but I was surprisingly calm and just dealt with him. So first he says that with my panic issues I should be put under for the procedure. He asks about my xanax and I told him what my pdoc told me on Monday, that I should take 4 pills before the procedure...I take .25 mg, so that's only 1 mg total. This dentist looks at me and says there is no way that I can take xanax before he puts me under! So I tell him that without taking the xanax, I will not make it to the appt. He just continues (with attitude) going on about my not taking the xanax and how the procedure will go, where I will wake up, etc. and not hearing me at all.
So I let him finish his little tyraid and I sit up in the chair, look him in the eyes and speak very slowly and say If I don't take my xanax, I will not be here, so all of what you are saying is pointless. He stops for a second and says again that I can't take any xanax before my appt. I wanted to smack him. So I repeat that if I don't take the xanax I will not even make it out of my house, let alone to the dentists office, and that I had to take an extra xanax just to get to the consultation and that after spending two weeks being panicked over this, there is no way I will make it without the xanax!
You could almost see the lights going on. Finally he says maybe it would be better if we did this awake...gee you think? So, we discuss doing it this way and I'm feeling better about it. I can eat in the morning and take as much xanax as needed. He also agreed to make the appt. to pull all of them, but he will only novacaine and do one at a time and I can quit whenever I need too. This was so important to me as thinking of doing all of them at once was so overwhelming, but I can handle thinking about getting just one or two pulled and stopping if I need too. Just knowing I can stop whenever I want to will allow me to relax enough to be able to get them all pulled. I can also bring my i-pod which I think will really help...distraction is always good.
So I'm feeling pretty calm now and good about being able to do it. I know as the day approaches (friday the 9th), I will probably get more anxious, but will use the xanax as my doctor instructed and just keep breathing. I'm sure I'll be back posting on this thread more as the time nears, it helps so much to have so much support and advice from all of you who have been through this.
Thank you all so much!