karendee said...
I also tapered recently off Clonzepram. I also raised my dose of effexor a few months ago.
I did my taper very slow.
I was origionally on 1mg pills 3 times a day.
I started noticing I did not need my mid day dose so for 2-3 weeks I took 2- 1mg pills a day
then about 2 weeks later I went to 1- 1mg pill a day
next I did, .5mg each day for a week or more. My last pill was .5mg and that was over 2 weeks ago.
the hardest part was going from 1mg to the .5 once I got used to the .5 the switch to zero was easy.
I tried to go from 1mg to zero and I felt terrible one day and that afternoon I took the 1/2 the pill so I had .5mg. this was much easier to taper off of.
Good Luck with the taper, take your time and remember you can taper as slow as you want to. Just keep reducing the dose slowly and take your time. Also, ask your Doctor for advice, he/she might have some ideas.
hi karen,Ive been on clonazam for 20 yrs,do you think it will be that easy for me?I've upped the dosage of paxil to 50mg.thanx eddie