I just wanted to get your opinion on something that seems to be playing on my mind. "How do you know if it is a gut feeling or just fear about change??" I am about to move town after 6 months living near my family and healing or finding myself if you like. I have an offer to move out with a friend, a male friend. It would save alot of money on the rent. I'm just not sure if this feeling I have is my gut telling me not to do it, or if it is just my fear of the whole moving and changing situation?? I have made terrible choices in the past and now question my own judgement. How can you tell if it is your gut or fear?? I dont want to make the wrong decission and put myself and my children in a bad or uncomfortable situation? I would really appreciate your knowledge or experience on this matter.
Thanks gill. xx
Good Morning Gilly
To me my gut feelings are when I see a red flag in the why of what I am doing or I am seeing..........I am doubting the wisdom of my decision so I would sit down and write a list of the pros and cons.
Fear is feeling like your in danger and you may want to flee a situation that may cause you physical or mental harm.
Usually my red flags are right on............so trust your instincts.
Good Luck and Hugs
Hey Gilly,
Hope you are good and working things out. Remember we are here to support and help you so use us well.
Thanks for your thoughts. I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to move in with this person...I do think it is just my fear of change and not my gut telling me not to do it. I guess the way I see it is that I can always move if it dosn't feel right. Thanks again for everything. gillx