I rushed off to the ER Thursday evening having the worst panic attack I've had in ages.
My husband and I had gone for a walk in the woods and I got breathless back at the house. Some of you may know that I'm prone to phobias, and I'm not wanting the woods to turn into another source. (I spent three hours in the woods last Saturday with only a little panic to show for it, so there's nothing there that genuinely can hurt me. Please don't mention allergies, as I've been tested and will be again soon, and that a HUGE trigger for my HA.)
So I got very spooked after having had my small panic last week and took some albuterol 0 never done that before. Then I insisted on going back into the woods, and when we were done (not during mind you)), I insisted we go to the ER. On the way, I felt I couldn't breathe still - that's always my panic attack issue. My larynx tingled for a breath or two.
ANyhow, I've been crazily wearing a BP cuff and pulse oxymeter when we've been challenging this pobia. BP was high (NOT low) and pulse ox NEVER went below 98%. I felt I couldn't breathe, yet was able to drive and talk with hubby the whole way. Once there, readings were still all fine. Doc looked in my throat very briefly but apparently saw nothing. He's seen me before for PAs and talked with me about how I wasn't presenting like anaphylaxis (my HUGE fear - even though I don't have allergies). I'm still VERY scared and have been challenging the phobia by going for walks in the woods twice a day since and then driving to the ER to sit in their wiating room until I don't feel scared. We're off to do that again now.
Help, friends, please HELP!