Aaaah Kitt, you sure know how to make one feel warm and fuzzy! its 5am and i cant sleep- coughing, short of breath, joint pain: the usual. your words are like a healing balm!
i have a huge queen sized bed (had it since i was a baby- went straight from a cot to a queen: thanks mum and dad!! lol) and my beautiful cat sleeps next to me (on a towel, she is furry) and she woke me around 4.30am just cos she wanted to be patted and seen to. i sleep on the left, she sleeps on the right. she's better bed company than any of my idiot ex boyfriends, thats for certain. although she does have fishy breath. the point is, she is intuitive. when im sick, sad, down etc she will cling to me- i love it.
apparently while i was in hospital she just stood in my bedroom doorway and paced and fretted. cute. its just so dumb to be this tired, weary, exhausted, fatigued- and not be able to sleep.
the years i was on Aropax, then Prozac, i simply didnt sleep at night. total insomnia. Aropax was from when i was 17-19, Prozac was 19-22. Before that was Tofranil- 14-17. finally at 22 i was put on Zoloft and generally its good sleep wise. im still happy with zoloft- im about to turn 29, so it has been the longest out of all my ad's.
also- this is off topic, but i thought id mention it, ive been writing a book (fiction) based on a teenage girl who struggles with AP and all that Jazz. obviously its actually semi autobiographical and i use my experiences to base it on, but the good news is i have already spoken to publishers who have shown strong interest! if i am lucky enough to eventually get published, its free copies for all HW AP members!
Anyway, im going to try and read myself back to sleep, the painkillers are kicking in thank goodness.
love and blessings to all,
Maz XX