Everyone i have the same problem off and on but i also have anxiety too and worry about
everything..also have alot of stress in my life right now..but here is a short text i found about
what could cause the armpit pain which mine comes and goes...not bad pain just enough to make me think dang something else for me to worry about
Somebody said...
Know the symptoms. If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, your symptoms may come and go with frequency but without an identifiable pattern. You can experience eight official symptoms, such as fatigue, sore throat, unexplained muscle pain, and memory loss, or feel pain that moves from joint to joint without inflammation or redness and pain in the lymph nodes in your armpits or neck, which are enlarged. Headache, extreme exhaustion, which lasts more than 24 hours after mental or physical exercise, and unrefreshing sleep are other symptoms.
Read more: How to Fight Chronic Fatigue & Adrenal Fatigue | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5700153_fight-chronic-fatigue-adrenal-fatigue.html#ixzz170usWZM9
its all related to mostly stress..plus as we get older we have aches and pains we dont know what it is..i have diagosed myself with cancer of all kinds..heart problems..etc etc ..why is it when we have a ache or pain we think cancer..i am now telling myself everyday i am healthy and trying not to be such a hyperchondriac all the time.i hate doctors and yes i am guilty i dont like going cause i dont want them confirming my problem..any case good luck ladies