First off, you are not going "crazy", no one here is crazy .
It feels to me like you have "anticipatory anxiety," an emotional state of what-will-happen-next fears.
Just as different people experience different feelings from stress, they also handle it in different ways. It is important to focus on the positive ways of coping that work best for you.
Talking usually helps. Sharing your feelings with friends, family and here in the forum are good ways to help reduce your anxiety. As for your new friend, this person may be causing more stress in your life with their attitude. Do you have any friends that are positive people, ones that would support you in a upbeat positive way?
While we can't always control what happens to us, we can always control what we say to ourselves. It's important to keep things in perspective. Talk to yourself in reasonable ways. Ask yourself "how likely is my fear?" Remind yourself that you have coped before during other challenging times. Don't just dwell on the negative but consciously look for things you can appreciate every day.
Remember you have anxiety, it does not have you.
Take care and do look into the resources here at HealingWell.
Health and Happiness