Welcome to HealingWell. Many members are not excited about taking medication and choose an alternative treatment for their anxiety.
It's normal to feel anxious or worried at times. Everyone does. In fact, a moderate amount of anxiety can be good. Anxiety helps you respond appropriately to real danger, and it can help motivate you to excel at work and at home.
But if you often feel very anxious without reason and your worries disrupt your daily life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder.
The two main treatments for generalized anxiety disorder are medications and psychotherapy, either alone or in combination. It may take some trial and error to discover which treatment works best for you and which you are most comfortable with.
Also known as talk therapy or counseling, psychotherapy involves receiving help from a mental health provider through a combination of talking and listening.
Some ways to cope with generalized anxiety disorder include:
Joining an anxiety support group. Here, you can find compassion, understanding and shared experiences. Coming here and talking with us was very brave and trusting of you.
Taking action. Work with your mental health provider to figure out what's making you anxious and address it.
Letting it go. Don't dwell on past concerns. Change what you can and let the rest take its course. Repeat as needed.
Breaking the cycle. When you feel anxious, take a brisk walk or delve into a hobby to refocus your mind away from your worries.
Taking care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat a balanced diet, exercise and take time to relax. Avoid caffeine and nicotine, which can worsen anxiety. Don't turn to alcohol or unprescribed drugs for relief.
Sticking to your treatment plan. Take medications as directed. Keep therapy appointments. Consistency can help keep your treatment plan on track.
Socializing. Don't let worries make you isolated from loved ones or enjoyable activities. Touching base with others offers a healthy diversion. (Reference: Mayo Staff)
So you have more then one choice. Revisit with your Doctor if you are uncomfortable taking medication. It has to be your own decision.
Again a warm welcome to you and I hope yu stick with us.