oh my god! it is so good to find people who think like me... but obviously not good we are all here.
i read the first thing on this topic n thought i must have written it myself! you are not alone many of us suffer from this n can and has taken over my life! i am going to read through everyones experiences and problems and see if i can help.
i have had this for years, am 22 now.
i have had counsuellin for my drug abuse (trying to cope with my thoughts) .. but have not yet said about it to the counsuelor as was too embarresed!
i have abused various drugs and alchohol which have actually made things a lot worse! so not a good move!
i am on 20mg of diazepam and 30mg of mirtrazapine for anxiety and depression. which now i am addicted to and do not gain anything fromn!
but need to start tryin to sort those thoughts out! i avoid people, places and anythwhere i might catch something from.
i will put up another post soon once i have read everyones posts!
just wanted to show my face.