I am thankful for everyone here who understands how one feels with this anxiety.
Yesterday I had the WORST panic of my life! I have had anxiety attacks for 20 yrs.
My husband doesn't understand, but it supportive and loves me.
I usually call my sister who does understand, but she was no where to be reached.
She comforts me, and I comfort her... when we have these attacks.
For a time I thought that I was maybe have a stroke or heart attack. Because this was the first time it was ever like this.
I was very close to getting my butt into the ER. I haven't done that for 20 plus yrs that's how bad it was.
My anxiety got so bad the the whole room was spinning, and closing my eyes didn't make it any better. It was so bad , I though perhaps I had vertigo... I didn't want to give into it , so I tried just plugging along at my housework.
The spinning wouldn't stop, and then I got sick to my stomoch, thought I was for sure going to passout . It was awful.
I had to take 3 times the medication I usually take (because I cut in half) to get me out of this ...... It was darn awful.... I am having antisipitory (sp?) today just thinking about yesterday am and afternoon.. I don't want to take my meds, but I wasted a day yesterday trying to get back to myself....
This anxiety sucks!
Thanks for reading everyone, and being here.
Panic queen