Thank you, thank you so much!!! I'm so glad I posted here!!! I woke up this morning feeling better in the tummy area. I went up stairs though and tried to eat some waffels with a little syrp and I got the most incredible heart burn! Felt like it was hard for the food to go down. Then I noticed one of my lympthnodes seems to be swollen a little. Maybe its all in my head with the lympthnode, I dont know. I feel it and it doesnt seem too bad now. And its only been a few minutes.
If I do have a uti, I do have those cranberry pills. Do you think its ok to go ahead and take them? I mean, with my stomach and all? Just making sure it wont irritate my stomach. But I know alot of you are nurses and I know poor Maz has seen her fair share of illness. Its wonderful to get input from you guys!
I'm just going through such a horrible time right now!!!!! I have my daughter and I'm trying to get custody of her and her father told me he's going to fight me for it. I'd be ok bc I have a job lined up for as soon as I finish school. I finish school in 2 weeks. Problem is, if I miss one more day, I cant go back and I have to start over. Then I'll probably loose the position I want to work for. And the housing authorities have me an apartment ready as soon as I have the money saved for the down payment which is about $600. I have $400 so far. I just have the most extreem health anxiety!!!! I go to a therapist for it and I take my meds. I still just suffer so much! I fear my own body so much! No meds have ever been able to stop it. I've been going to therapy for it most of my life. Its all just repetative now. I try to use the skills I've learned but I still cant seem to shake this HUGE phobia I have of my own body! Everything is riding on me and I'm terrified!!! If I miss one day of school.... If I dont get that job.... If I dont get the place.... Oh God, If I dont get primary custody of my son!!!! I have the want to additude! I have the will power and I'm in no way lazy! I have depression at times and it makes me tierd but pushing myself is what keeps me going. That and my daughter. I'm just afraid that at this time, theres more at steak than just having a bad day of health anxiety. For the first time ever, everything is riding on my ability to cope and do what I have to do! And it does terrify me!
Anyway, thank you for reading and answering my questions! Your a great bunch of people and I'm lucky to have found you!
Post Edited (Jennara) : 10/30/2009 9:06:46 AM (GMT-6)