Thanks everyone for the information...
Well ... I started the Paxil, so far i have no idea if it is making me sick to my stomach or tired, like the last medication did.. anyway, its impossible to tell because i am just gettin over H1N1, so ... who knows if this is leftover from that or if it is the medication, time will tell. I also am not hungry at all, possibly a side effect of the flu too. Again, in time i will know. It would be nice if the no hunger would just stick around after the flu is long gone ;o)
As far as the mental issues, i do already feel better, i am much more calm & laid back, i hope it doesn't take me to the "i don't give a crap about
anything stage" that i have heard so much about
, a nice happy medium or normalcy would be great... i guess that is what we are all looking for.
Thanks again for all the info about
your experiences on this meds. I appreciate it.