Wow, I am feeling a little better reading all these posts. I am new to this board as well and new to the whole anxiety thing. All of these posts echo my thoughts, feelings, and experiences so far with anxiety. The hardest part for me is turning my brain off and not thinking about
stuff or negative thoughts, And how hard that is to do. I have been to the computer many times as well and have freaked out at every little thing my body has done in reaction to stress and anxiety. It takes a lot to ignore the computer. I too have had tingling fingers and hands, small sporadic pains in the chest occasionally when trying to take a deep breath, rapid heartbeat, slow heartbeat, and negative thoughts. The thing that trips me out the most is half the time I experience things, it's usually when I'm alone or laying in bed at night trying to fall asleep. My heart will just start beating faster for what appears for no reason. Like I'm not even consciously thinking about
anything going on or anything. Falling asleep can tend to suck on these nights. Anyone in the same boat with me there? I'm glad everyone writes here because I fell like some people around me are sick of hearing my thoughts about
all this. Anyone have any ideas or things that work for them to relax?? Thanks