Hi All,
I have been searching the internet for a few days trying to find out what my problem is and have found this website. I'm hoping to help put a name to what I'm feeling, I guess so I can start trying to find a solution.
I know the right step would be the doctor and I do plan going that way but just want to get some advice.
I have always suffered from overly worrying about things but never really effected me greatly, untill the last 2/ 3 years and now the last year has been unbareable.
I guess to describe my main problem is that I worry excessively about things that would not normally bother people, I also over analyse things to a point that I make them into bigger things that they were. This year has been awful. It is now on the brink of braking up my marriage and litterally ruining my life.
It can be anything some one not saying hello, or someone saying something to me that I will literally analyse to death and make it in to something its not. I am even loosing sleep over it. An example would be if someone beaped there horn at me in the cat for instance I would literally go home analse it and then keep looking out the window to make sure they didnt follow. me.... (even when I write this I know what it sounds like)
If anyone says anything to me, i.e the lads joking about things.... I litterally feel bad and analyse it to bits. Even if I text someone and they don't text back i feel uneasy till they do.
Its been a tough year, we had a house fire that took a lot out of us emotionally, and have had a tough time in the past with the loss of a family member, and my wife things it maybe this and I need to talk to people.
I have always been a strong person, and deal with problems and am always the sturdy shoulder so to speak. Now i feel like ive just cracked up. I know what i'm doing when i'm analysing things, and I know it's prob wrong but doesnt stop the feeling or me doing it. I litterally feel like i'm living in fear and hiding my self away from friends now and feel scared all the time, Which I have never been. I'm recognising all the symptoms just not sure how to deal with it, which I guess in turn is making me worse.
I talk to my wife and explain to her what it likes, but i'm not sure talking is helping. I have been feeling like this for a year, and never wanted to go to the docs but thing i will loose everything without going. My wife says I'm not the same person anymore, I have mood swings when i feel like that. I'm only 29. I litterally want to hide away, when I have always been outgoing person.
I'm looking for any advice on what wrong with me, is it anxiety? stress? I just not sure what I go tell the doc, and what is out there to help me? I feel like my life is on hold.
I would welcome any advice on what wrong/ what can help/what to say to the doc?
many thanks