Hello members and fellow anxiety-panic members.I was doing so good for 7 years.I am a recovering alcoholic (03/26/02)sobriety date.I had a panic attack acouple of times prior to getting sober.after that all was goog up until last nov. now i feel that its anxiety because i feel tightness in my chest sick to my stomach shortness of breath and now also it seems that when i look at stuff it seems like i am not really dizzy but not right,maybe feeling of slight light sensitivity but not really maybe out of reallity if this makes sense.plus it seems to go on and of all day. i had a ekg done normal and then i got scoped and ph tested for acid reflux ,normal but i do have a hyatal hernia.but the doctor says maybe anxiety is clashing with gerd and both are causing one another so has anyone else experience this ?Thanks!