I understand, My wife had problems after our first child. She lost her high paying job and told me of wanting to wreck her car to kill her self.
I found out the Dr had given her med's for depression and once the med's stopped working he just changed the med's. I had to pick her up at the ER when she wanted to end it all. Her Dr wanted to place her in an instution and giver her strong medications.
I declined this and It took three years to work through this. I am not sure if I did wrong or not. But today my wife has her life back. Loosing her job changed her enviorment and I watched her daily. We used some information found on Public TV specail and treated the problem and not the symptoms.
I love my wife dearly, allowing this dr to turn her into a lab rat was not acceptable to me. I am a very stong A type person, this is not for everyone. If you screw up you could loose her completely.
No matter the road you take, just remember this, She is the same person you fell in love with. There is something effecting her "now" that she can not control. It would be easy to toss her to the side and find another, but you would never be the same person.
By your posting here, it shows you are a good person. Stay strong and know she would do the same for you.
One of the hardest things to accept is things she might say or do and how you might relate them to her changed.
This Too will pass.
Best of luck .