Hi Algigh
When I had my fist P/A I though I was dieing, I had been working so much overtime in a poorly ventilated shop painting cars that I just went outside and say down in the cold air just wishing it would get over it and just die, as I was as calm as could be when I ended up at the er, my blood work came back so badly that I so many chemicals in me, I had to take time off from work but upon returning back to work the chemicals had all ready had a hold of me, even taking more time off did no help as I went to the er 3 times till my PD said no more. but in the mean time P/A set in and anything I did or smelled would bring me back to having a P/A as I could not understand what was happening to me at the time and it was always on my mind.
But as I just keep pushing myself to get over the fear of things I did get over it but it was a hard battle that I won but I will be on meds for the rest of my life from the neuro pain that I deal with on a daily bases and now having to type with only one finger, but I can live with that.
So as you can see I have gone though some of the worst things that anyone can go though (as I have not said it all by far on my medical problems) but I have gotten over the A/P part of it (thank God I did find a good Neuro to help me and on the right meds for it) but still getting more and more testing being done monthly
So please trust me your P/doc may just be the one to help you and get you on the best meds for you as it my just be an trial and area to get you back to good health.
Cowboy up