I wonder if anyone who has ever taken a benzo for very long has ever started having muscle twitches?
I have been plagued with this very nerve wrecking and menacing problem ever since about 1996 or '97, about 3 to 4 years after starting Xanax. Since 2000, I have been on lorazepam, 0.5mg. taken twice daily.
On the Benzo UK site it lists twitches as a symptom.
Lately, the events have been worse when they occur, and I get this vibration/jumping in my rt. frontal lobe area just above and slightly in front of my ear. When it's bad, it can last all day long! Minor attacks can be maybe two or three per day. It can go into remission for maybe a week or longer.
I'm on a neurological forum and another member there is a strong believer in magnesium, and has been of great help in recommending that for this problem.
I am seeing my Dr. Oct. 4th to discuss this and what type magnesium might help.
I do hope long term use of a benzo has not caused this, but I can't say it hasn't either.