Thank you for replying so quickly! I don't take any meds on a daily basis, well nexium, but it is for acid reflux. I am not sure if I have a CBT therapy in my area or not. I have never heard of CBT therapy. What exactly is it? Can I check it out online? I would love to have the website.
I am pretty sure what brought this all on, I have recently stopped speaking to my father. Not by my choice. I am not sure if he has been "diagnosed" withit, but I am pretty sure he is a paranoid schizophrenic, June 21 he called me and asked why I was having his phone bugged and more of that paranoid stuff! He has a girlfriend who swares she saw us(me and my 2 brothers) looking in their windows, which we have not. I have tried to call him and he hasn't called back. I wrote him a very long letter letting him know how I am feeling about this whole situation and I even sent him a birthday card at the beginning of September with pictures of his 1 and only grandson and I still haven't heard from him. I guess I think I could live without talking to him myself, but how does a grown man not care if he see's his only grandson again. He used to visit 1-2 times a week! I like to think it doesn't bother me, but deep down it does. This whole panic attack anxiety attack really started then. I guess I had always kind of felt a panic come on, but I have been able to talk myself out of having an attack since I was pregnant with my boy who is now 2and a half. I had to deliver 6 weeks earily because of my blood pressure and all the nurses always coming intomy room telling me to calm down which then sent me into panic thinking I was dying! That is when it all really kicked in. But I have gone on a diet and quit drinking pepsi and down to 1 cup of coffee a day, I thought I was doing great, off all my blood pressure meds then this all happened with my dad. Since then Ihave not been myself. Get axiety when ever I go out of my house I might as well say.!
What are breathing techniques or other things to make it all go away! I have lorazopam 1mg but I would rather not have to be depended on any medication. Please help!