Hello again and yes your anxiety could be causing you to talk to much but I don't feel it would cause you to gossip. I suspect most gossip is never intended. No one wants to be the victim of gossip and they don’t want to be a gossiper themselves. When caught gossiping they are embarrassed. So how do you stop?
Stop and think of times when you were the victim of wagging tongues. That experience is a great teacher. It reminds you of how you did not like it and will help you stop getting caught up in gossip. As upsetting as it can be, don't let gossip cause you to waste time and energy on it when you need to be focusing on important issues concerning your life or completing a project...The best way to handle gossip is to avoid it as much as you can and then ignore the rest.
If talking to much has caused you to lose all but one job then I do feel you have to stop talking to much and meet the expectations of your job. If you change your habit of talking to much I would like to believe that your boss will notice the change and commend you for a job well done. Just my 2 cents worth here.