Hi everybody! I'm new here and seeking help. Here are my symptoms: It started in August 2010, my ears started having this weird burning sensation, it was not painful but extremely uncomfortable, but I ignored it for a couple of weeks hoping it would go away. Then I started getting sharp pains throughout my head, face, teeth, just everywhere in my head. I started freaking out thinking I was going to have an anneurysm or a brain tumor which made my symptoms worse. I went to a terrible doctor who prescribed me amoxicillin and all he did was look in my ears and said everything looked fine. Then my chest started hurting with these sharp stabbing pains, I thought something was wrong with my heart. I went to the doctor and she did a chest X-ray, ekg, blood and urine sample. Everything came back normal and she told me it was gas and costochondritis so she prescribed me Lodine. The next week I went to an ENT to see what was going on with my head. He looked in my nose and said I had a chronic sinus infection. He ordered a CT scan of my sinuses and a barium swallow. I did those and they both came back normal and he said my sinuses looked alright. Then my heart started racing and I could literally feel every beat so I was rushed to the emergency room. They did an ekg, blood and urine test and once again, everything was normal. I realized that I was suffering from anxiety and tried to ignore the symptoms. I didn't want to take any pills for it because I wanted to get rid of it on my own. Most of my symptoms diminished but I'm still developing new weird symptoms. Right now in December 2010, I've been feeling constantly light headed, weak, tired even if I get 8 or more hours of sleep. I have this weird throbbing sensation from the back of my head down to the tail of my butt. I get feelings like I'm going to have diarrheabut haven't had diarrhea in months. I have bad gas but it mainly stays in my chest. I get weird muscle twitches all over my body, leg cramps, intense dizzy spells that last for a seond or two and the throbbing sensation makes it worse. I still get odd pains in my head but they aren't as bad as they used to be. I got a weird painful pressure feeling in my right hip, and in my ovary area I can feel movement but this isan occasional thing. I don't know if gas can cause all of the weird sensations in my chest area down to my ovary area. I also get weird cramp-like feelings in my legs and arms. they are like sharp stabbing pains that last for a few seconds. I guess my questions are how long does anxiety last and can it bring new symptoms even if you are about to get over it? I'm 5'10, 281 lbs. so I'm overweight, and female. I have mild asthma, mild anemia (11.3) and TMJ. I'm constantly sore and the thing that concerns me the most is the throbbing from the back of my head to the tail of my butt and the intense dizziness. I have a huge fear og being alone in case I need somebody to call 911 or something. I also have a huge fear of fainting in public so it wouldbe really helpful if you can give me some suggestions on how to prevent fainting. Also, I don't want to go to another doctor because I feel like they're just going to say everything was normal and nothing's wrong with me. That's no reason to raise the insurance for no reason. I really just want to know if anybody else has experienced this and any comments wouldbe greatly appreciated. Thank you and sorry this was so long, just had to get it all out. :)