those better days...where anxiety is mild or seems non existent, u feel good....i guess u'd enjoy the moment and that gives hope of a recovery too...
i hv that on and off moments too and enjoy them.... but earlier i was like...some irrational obsessing popped up...oh this is a 'change' (even tho its a positive one)..what if i get use to this positive feeling..and suddenly i get anxiety or panic again and i "forgot" those coping tools/relaxation technique that i read up so often everyday whole going thru anxiety phase .... then i felt a headache coming after silly.
how do u continue to enjoy a positive change/phase without having some irrational thots bugging/worrying u??
p.s. i feel silly writing abt this. just wanna enjoy the moment/any positive change.
coz we don't even know when the next anxiety might come...or better still, don't come again, 1 way ticket and don't come back ever ok thats abit unrealistic