I'm a mother of a young adult who suffered two panic attacks all related to seeing a doctor. She does not have a life threatning condition, but one she was about
to undergo a surgery for and there were a lot of pre op appointments. The surgery was canceled two weeks prior when she had a panick attack on the way to a consult. Her second atttack was a few days later when she was going to her GP for the panick/anxeity issue. She did not make either appointment.
She is now in her third month of not being able to go to public places including work and school. She has been taking baby steps- is able to go for short drives in her car, and does not have problems any longer with people coming into the house. She still does not go into public places - stores or even drive through windows.
She needs to get help from a doctor and gets very nervous and upset and the thought of going. We thought time would help this and I've seen great improvement over the months. She has said she needs to go see the doctor, but doesn't want to know when the appt is made - just make it she tells me and I'll try.
I feel like the longer this goes on the more embedded it becomes to her, and worry that we've made an issue by waiting this long. I do not have any experience dealing with these issues, and have seeked out help, but I'm told they will need to see her to help, and we can't get her there. She tells me she is OK and not depressed or anxious at home or driving her car, but it did take time to get there (with the driving). I feel these baby step may work, but she will be 80 by the time she resumes what is usual for her life without medical help.
I've read through the post here and see there are some who have been through this, and gotten help. I wonder if you could let me know if she should be the one to make the appointment (knowing that will still be awhile) or if it's time for me to just do it - tell her right before we go and even if she panicks get her there. She truely has made a lot of improvement since this all started, so only want to do something that will help not set her back.
If you have made it this far thank you for your patience - I know it was a long post.