PresentTensed said...
Hey CM. I used to lift weights a great deal... back in the day (cue music from yesteryear). I tended to over do it with my OCD and what not. Sooooooo... I may not be the best source of advice. :)
I know you're not going to have a cardiac event and you probably won't spontaneously combust. Although, that would shed light on the fire extinguishers at the gyms. I'm sure those two things are not connected.
I think Karen gave you some great advice. You have to listen to, and be in touch with your body. This is something I need to learn to do... usually put my body on hold (I know, it's rude). My compulsion with lifting was not good. I plan on getting back into "some" lifting, but nothing like I was doing back then (cue music from yesteryear). Man.. I wish that music would stop!
You can be in great shape AND get great results WITHOUT pushing your body to or beyond its limits. Just my two cents.
Present "two cents" Tensed
If this was facebook, I'd make a thousand accounts just to like this point that many times haha, thanks PT *cues emotional tear-jerking music* you have really been a helpful hand in my life buddy, I don't know where I'd be without you
Yeah I hope I can get in great shape, my plan is to do a moderately intense home dumbbell workout and start jogging again and eventually pick it up to those big barbell squats and deadlifts and military presses and what not *cues emotional tear-jerking music* cause it just ain't the same unless I got my hands wrapped around a big ol' olympic bar