Hello, nice to meet you. I was on Effexor for a little over 5 years. I was up to either 250mg, and I weaned off a couple months ago. You are on a lower end of mg so you shouldn't have any problems weaning off it. I went from 250mg down to 150mg. then 75mg, then to 25mg began having withdrawals bad so I upped it to 50mg for just a few more days and then stopped. This entire process was about 3-weeks - no longer than a month.
From 75mg, you can drop down to 50mg for a few days to a week, then 25mg, then off. Of course I am not a Dr. so I would definitely check with your Dr. My Psych Dr. as she was lowering my dosages would tell me if I started feeling sick and withdrawals to go back up to the mg where I wasn't sick for 2-3 days longer and then try it again.
I hope this is of some help to you. Best of luck to you. Make sure you are weaning off in the care of a physician.
Your Healingwell Friend,
Loop ileostomy, Pelvic/Bladder Trauma & Dysfunction...
Bipolar 2, Manic-Depressive, Borderline, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Ptsd