HI there
I have not heard anything about
the Nicotine patches helping at all
My case of PG is so severe I am to be in a Medical Journal along with my family doctor......
I had a HYSTERECTOMY ( radical) in 1992/93) this PG had laid dormant in my body til then .....
I had told my old doc I thought I had Crohns.....He told me even though I had blood in stool constand D and in pain ( severe) in LRQ all the time I did NOT present as a CD person ...LOL ......plus the PG
Well PG is DIRECTLY related to CD and has some ( 1% ) I believe connection with UC as you no doubt know....it is a very rare blood ( autoimminune disorder) that eats your skin from the inside out causing the ulcerlike sores to explode into huge sores
I have almost lost a finger and a leg to this DD........
As the time goes on ......my eruptions gets worse pain is worse and they take longer to heal
Protopic never helped me but I do hear good things about
it ......From a couple of ppl on CD forum with PG........
My advice to you is this TRY to keep stress to a MINIMUM..........Any trauma to the body ( for me even Colonscopy's) cause me to erupt.......Baging my leg or arm or slicing finger accidently with a knife and being stressed out will have me broke out in sores in NO time ....EDUCATE self totally on this many many ..MOST ....doc's have NO clue what this PG is and what to do about
it ......I am so lucky to have a family doc that does a TX plan with me will not let me be in pain
I can literally watch them grow
I take prednisone ........and am put on Rocephin IV when in a severe breakout ......Methotrexate and folic acid along with CD meds
If you need to talk I am here .I am battling pnuemonia still at the moment due to lack of immune system lol and house full of ppl that dont know enough not to get sick and bring it home ......HA HA ......
KEEP a sense of humor hun in all honesty please ..this is a horrid disease which I would not wish on my worst enemy ........
I am here for you ........Email me if you want I will check in the am or go to my MSN and will add you tomorrow .....
Be well
Hope I have helped.......BTW.....DO not cover the
open wounds as they need the air to heal .....
** also I have not been approved for Remicade nor Humira..we have stricter guidlines here in Ontario for that **