I'm a new member. I'll try to sum up my story so it isn't too long. Thank you for reading and thank you for this forum.
I'm 33/F with a 10-year-old daughter and a fiance. (Getting married 11-11-11). I suffer from Depression, OCD, PTSD and Panic Disorder. I always had slight anxiety and OCD but it was always manageable with Lexapro. In 2008 my dad took his own life. Since then I've had HORRIBLE panic attacks, depression, intrusive suicidal thoughts and an inability to enjoy life as I did before. In April of 2011 I admitted myself into the psych unit at the hospital.
I was there for 11 days and they changed me from Lexapro to Effexor XR. It has been working fairly well, as we have increased the dosages starting at 37.5 up to 225. The past few weeks I have had no motivation to do things, mornings are tough. I wake up anxious and feel sick to my stomach. I am confused and feel foggy. I also cry more than normal and don't want to do things I used to find fun.
Any opinions? I see my psychiatrist on the 13th.