I already know I have a severe anxiety disorder. I'm just going through a really bad spell right now. I'm 27 years old and recently was diagnosed with a benign breast lump. I spend from July to September believing I had cancer because my mom had it. I was worried sick.... literally....dry heaving....gagging....sobbing heavily....being inactive... losing weight. Since not long after discovering my breast lump, I noticed progressive shoulder pain. It was in one very specific spot on my right side. Sometimes I would feel it near my spine... and sometimes on my left shoulder... but mostly my right shoulder. It's weird that the pain would start right when something so traumatic happened to me. But I'm worried it could be something more serious than that. Maybe my breast lump was misdiagnosed and this could be spreading to my lungs? I know that sounds very crazy to write out but the pain is so persistent. I belong to the club that believes strongly that stress can do HORRIBLE things to our bodies. But why isn;t it going away? I'm also having excessive phlegm that I can't expel. It's just like a constant coating in my throat. I feel it when I swallow but can't cough it out. It causes a constant tickle in there that only coughing relieves.
Not sure what to do. After my breast experience, I loathe the idea of seeing a doctor about another things. I already saw my doctor for two separate breast lumps. I'm just trying to figure this out.
Could chronic, specific shoulder pain be an anxiety symptom? What about the phlegm? I was crying heavily on a regular basis. Could that have causes some kind of mucus frenzy in my throat?
Please help! i'd be grateful.