I'm taking this combo more for depression, but we all know the two go hand and hand.
I initially started with just Welbutrin, 150mg, then up to the 300mg; it actually really started to work great! I was really feeling rejuvenated, but then after 2 1/2 weeks at that dosage, I started having bad manic attacks - I was told by my Dr. it had something to with affecting Dopamine and can make you feel like you are on a lot of speed, which, this did. Her progonosis was to go back down to the 150mg and start Celexa, first 20mg. I really didn't feel much different (no manic attacks, I'm talking depression, anxiety, etc.). I've now had the Celexa upped to 30mg, I think it's too soon to tell, but I'm not having the same results as others I've read about. It's definitely doing something, because I had something come up in my life with my personal finances (a mistake), which normally, would make me go ape sh#$! But I took it more in stride and let it work itself out, which it did.
I sometimes feel content in laziness, which I don't like..I'm historically a very active guy (completed four marathons, among other physical activities), being content in lethargy is not something I like...that definitely was not that case with 300mg of Welburtin.
Question now, I know the manic episodes with Welbutrin are unfortunately common with people; however, has anyone had this is the first, let's say month or so and then it went away? If it's common, I don't think I can take it, when those episodes happened, my mind was racing so bad, I couldn't do anything! But if there's a chance it may go away...I might try going back.
Of course I'd refer to my Dr. first. I was curious about others experience.