Kitt: I'm sure she'll be fine. But that certainly doesn't help alleviate the anxiety, does it? Waiting is so difficult. We all know that worrying doesn't nothing to affect the outcome, but we feel compelled to do it any way. Please let us know how she makes out.
Scaredy Cat: Thank you for your encouragement. My hands are alread shaking in anticipation of Saturday. Not of the actual test, of course. Needles don't bother me at all. I just know that I'm going to get a horrible phone call from the doctor's office with bad news. I feel ok (other than the symptoms caused by anxiety) but I feel that I'm going to be hit with a horrible diagnosis. You always hear things like that happening. Someone feels great, goes to the doctor and finds out there is something just awful wrong with them. Why are we like that? It's just as easy to think positive thoughts as negative ones. I guess I think that it's easier to expect the worst to happen and you're not hit with something totally unexpected. I haven't had a mammo in a very long time because I can't take the waiting. My doctor's appointment isn't until the 20th but I want to have the blood tests completed ahead of time so he has them at the office when I'm there. So not only do I get to be nervous waiting for the test results that I won't have until next week, I'll get to continue being nervous waiting for my appointment day to arrive. UGH!