Good Morning,
I empathize with you completely as I have been in the same place you are right now. Starting a AD med may be one of the toughest things you have to do and trying to accept that it is the side effect of the drug causing you to feel "ill" makes you want to remove this med from your life.
Keep telling yourself you are OK and with time your body will adjust to the medication. If you get to the point where the side effects are intolerable give yourself permission to call your Dr. and talk to him about your options.
One of the AD meds I was started on was notorious for causing anxiety and my Dr. added Buspar in anticipation that I would do better with a combo of the meds.
Your at a point where you need to be good to yourself and pamper yourself. Now is not the time to push yourself to hard. Once the medication starts to kick in then you can start setting goals re what you want to do to get back into your normal routine.
Be Well,