Hello SS,
I really liked your post, spells it out pretty well I'd say. It made me reflect back over the last several years for me....not a bad thing.
I share this for a reason so hang with me...Back in 06, I hit some major financial issues, lost my truck and my Harley and spent most of the year working things out so I could keep my home.
I guess I should mention back then I was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and had been for years...anywho. I got to the end of 06 and had things squared away with my home and back on track to at least keep that. So I thought to myself at the end of that December....07 can't be any worse, at least I hope it wouldn't because I felt like I didn't have any fight left.
To my surprise on February 17th of 07, I found out my wife was cheating on me and confronted her and on February 23rd of 07, she walked out. I had most of the bills and half the income coming in....throw in a pretty healthy tax burden on top of that for good measure.
I spent the next three years on my own with a son that I had to get through his senior year in high school....WOW, that ain't cheap! I remember for months after my wife left, it was emotionally wearing me out. It was easy to feel like I would never get my life back in order and getting through anxiety and panic....forget about it!
The point to all this is, I never gave up...fought through the toughest times of my life....with all that financial burden and loosing my wife and best friend of 16 years and all the unknowns in front of me....kind of lost my identity for a good while. I took life a minute at a time sometimes.
So I read your post and here I sit 5 years after my life crashed and I can say I am in a happy place. Life feels good, I kind of got my old self back...in many ways improved but yet with some battle scars. I don't get panic attacks anymore and the anxiety these days are tough at times but manageable. I like where I'm at and who I am.
I hope if I was able to pull through all of that while dealing with anxiety and panic disorder that you and many others can as well....just don't stop working at it and you just might find yourself in a happy place down the road....Best wishes and Happy Easter....Take care...............WM