nikki i'm not sure but i think the craving for sweets has something to do with blood sugar and perhaps even depression around that time. maybe sweets are like a perk to those grumpy, crampy, days. as for magnesium, i hear differing opinions too - what frustrates me is as with any vitamin, medication, remedy, what have you, there never seems to be a clear answer or a right or wrong. i guess it's about
finding what works for YOU. i hate taking pills of any kind though (i even get weirded out taking new vitamins, which is silly) so i wish there were just a clear answer at times!
Sam - hahahah. thanks for being brave enough to come in and give us some kudos!
Meg - i've never heard of evening primose as a remedy! i'll look into that. that's what's so great about the internet!
Freezing in AK - i need to schedule my yearly physical soon so i think i'm going to ask my doctor to please include the vitamin deficiency test. that plus i was also thinking of visiting a nutritionist.