Posted 5/7/2012 3:58 AM (GMT 0)
I just came back from the hospital with another episode of possible panic attack. i woke up to use the bathroom about 5am in the morning and back to bed. within about just a couple of minutes, i suddenly felt like my heart had stop, can't move and i can't breath. at the point, I'm still conscious. I'm thinking oh my god, i just had a cardic arrest and this is the end, and suddenly movei felt a kick on my chest and my airwave was free again and i jump up. instantly i woke my sister up and had her drove me to the hospital. i had no symptoms other tthan can't move and can't breath.
when i was in the hospital, they check me out, ran ekg, xray and it ws normal, except my blood pressure was elevated a bit. since i told them i think i passed out, the keep me there for the whole day and night. doing my stay, they did a cat scan and a echo of my heart and again, it's normal. my cardio doctor also came by and look into everything, he said he does not think it was a heart problem, it could be something else. after about 30 hours or so in the hospital with monitors hook up, i had no other symptoms what so ever, doctor also said my heart is pumping fine and normal, but a little slow at 50 bpm, but he said tha is normal, so they let me go. what weird was doing the whole time i was there, i had no symptoms, but the hour I'm getting ready to go home, suddenly i feel weird. body getting hot, a little anxious, but without the heart raising, they check my blood pressure one more time before releasr me, my blood pressure was up at 145/92. by the time i got home, i check my pressure again, it was up at 159/101. i took a blood pressure pill and lay down to rest the whole night.
this morning suddenly the same anxiousness happen with short of breath, my mind was going nuts with constant worry and stress. since my blood pressure was up again, i took another pill alone with my anti depression meds. paxil. i felt tired, sleepy, short of breath, and others i can't even explain for most of the day. it was just terrible.
i just want to add, i do have panic disorder and arthritis. my panic was mostly controlled and in good shape, but a month ago, my doctor started me on a new medicine Humira, a biological TNF medication. my panic and anxiety started all over from there and came back with double the trouble. i spoke with my doctor about it after the first infusion, he said that was not one of the side effects, but 2 weeks later, i took the second infusion, my panic got even worst and spoke with my doctor as welk as the manufacture, and found out there was a very percentage of people have that effect. he took me off the med, but my panic continues. (i also mentioned it in the arthritis forum). i had a couple of major attacks where i also black out while i was driving.
i don't even know what to say or what to think anymore, i was off of the anti depression meds and was doing fine, now I'm back on it along with some clonazepam. as a matter of acts, doctor at the hospital told me to stop taking the clonazepam because it can slow down my heart even more. the interesting fact is all these time i feel anxious and panic, my heart rate did not beat fast, i just feel anxious but not fast heart beat. can that happen?