Oh I have totally had this! It does make you feel as if you are losing it, right? I definitely think that it is stress related, and the less you worry about
it, the better it will be.
The other day I was trying to say 'pneumonia' and all I could think in my head was 'November'...fortunately, I have learned to slow down, think about
what I am going to say before I let it out, or I would have said "He is going to catch a case of November!"
If you are like me, you probably talk fast, which just makes it worse...try slowing down a little and thinking the words through before you say them. I also have to stay focused on what I am saying...as I am often 'mutitasking' in my brain while tying to talk...too many things going on at once! It's no wonder we can even form a sentence! Lol:)
If you find that these things don't work, or things are getting worse, then you may want to rule our migraine aura, or silent migraines. This can be on of the symptoms...but I'll bet that lowering your stress and slowing down will help you to get past this.
Let us know how you are doing soon:)