Carey dont feel bad i was the beiggest mommies boy my whole life, i used to turn to my mom first whenever i was down , not just when i was a kid , always , i also never let anyone know because i was one of the cool kids and had to put on the show , i dont know anything about the whole meds side of things , i am trying to stay away from them , i really think exercise helps me a lot , when i work out i feel a bit better , it will also help with the cholestorel , every little bit helps . Just stay strong man
watch these videos , they make me feel good and strong maybe they will help u to .
They are great videos hope you enjoy , sorry mods if i am not allowed to post links , but i am sure everyone will enjoy them.
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 7/18/2012 9:47:24 PM (GMT-6)