Posted 1/23/2013 11:35 PM (GMT 0)
First, I take .25 mg of klonopin as needed (i take it twice a day though), 75 mg of nortriptyline (pamelor) every night. well, last night i just increased from 50 mg to 75 mg. i am also taking 40 mg of nexium every morning. between the hours of 10-11pm and 3-4pm i feel pretty fine. i can eat whatever i want without GERD trouble, though i try to stick to foods that won't irritate the situation. i have one cup of coffee WITH breakfast. by the time the evening rolls around i become overwhelmed with anxiety and either heartburn, nausea, or both. i have no idea why. i am not afraid of the dark. i work both day shifts and night shifts. i have both day and night classes. my daily schedule is not consistent. today at 3:50 i got in the car to drive 20 minutes to meet a friend for coffee (i was going to have tea). about 5 minutes into the ride i felt a wave of anxiety and i began to taste acid in the back of my throat. i started losing feeling in my hands. i knew i had to turn around. by the time i got home i was sure i was going to throw up. i was pacing for 2.5 hours. my temperature is 99. i am absolutely terrified of vomiting. the nausea is gone for the most part but the heartburn is still awful. do i just have the stomach flu? i looked up the symptoms and i don't really have them other than an elevated temperature and bad nausea for about an hour. i do know that anxiety can cause an elevated temperature, especially because i paced around my apartment for 2.5 hours. i was beginning to feel better until my friend asked me what was wrong. i really don't know. i'm never crazy about having to sit in rush hour traffic but my ipod usually helps with that. last night at work i thought i was going to jump out of my skin. i'm a server and i began work at 4:30. that feeling of slight nausea and jumping out of my skin lasted until about 9...when i was almost done with my sidework. what is wrong with me? i am skipping school tomorrow to the doctor. can anyone give me advice or insight into what could be going on? could it be the stomach flu? please help me. i want to try to eat a piece of bread but the fear of vomiting is too strong. i cancelled my coffee date with my friend A and cancelled a study session with my friend C. i don't have to leave the house until 11 when i pick up my boyfriend from work. help me.
-a very nervous girl