Hi, my name is Nate. I'm turning 19 on the 25th of February, so having anxiety at this age is not fun. I am currently studying Human Biology (Pre-Med) at Michigan State so I can become a physician. Drug free, nicotine free, and alcohol free.
I went into an Urgent Care back in October and told them a little bit and they gave me (10) Alprazolam (Xanax) at 0.5mg, take every 4-6 hours. I felt this was too much and only took when needed. I know that this benzo is addictive and obviously controlled. I do not want to have dependence issues. Anyways, back when I took it... all symptoms were gone, but it also knocked me out usually.
It did help a lot, so I can't imagine if I would have taken it every 4-6 hours as the MD suggested. I was taking them for panic attacks mostly. Anyways, I think even every 24 hours was too much because I did not realize what bad anxiety symptoms were. I am usually able to control symptoms. I had been off them for months and just dealing with everything on my own. I finally went to a doctor in Northern Michigan and was prescribed BuSpar 5MG and told "take as needed". I have been taking these more regularly, and they are not working at all. Is this a placebo? The doctor up north was foreign, could barely speak english, and told me "Back in my country they didn't need these kind of things. We just got over it." well, alright... now what do I do when this drug isn't working? I know Xanax is dangerous, but I feel that BuSpar doesn't work. I'm not trying to get drugs or anything (remember: drug free, studying to become a doctor, been off Xanax for months) but it seems that these doctors just figure because of how young I am that I'm trying to get stuff off of them.
Any suggestions please or if anyone needs more information? Thanks for your help!