Hi, I've been looking at this site all day. And i finally made an account to ask you all a question. I think I have Cricopharyngeal spasm
I experienced the 'lump in throat' symptoms..
I went to sleep around 10pm after trying to burp whatever the feeling was, drank warm water, eating, peppermints..
Here is what scared me..
I woke up around 12 am ( it's 1am now) like I was being choked. I quickly grabbed a water bottle near me and drank water. I was really scared and thought I was going to.. You know.. Stop breathing..
I know the 'anxiety' isn't going to help me but I'm really worried!
I'm very sleepy..I need my sleep..
Does anyone have remedies, sleeping positions, etc?
Right now my throat feels right and I'm trying to burp the 'lump' away.
I really need you're help! I'm scared to sleep..
I need answers as soon as possible!
Thank you!
P.S: Im 16 year old female.