So I am going to quit cymbalta , I quit zoloft and lexapro cold turkey after taking them for one year ! I have been two days trying to quit it and I feel like a sad feeling, like something weird. it scares me to become depressed
, I was taking 30 mg. The reason why I am taking it is because of GAD and OCD. I was fine 3 weeks ago then after i had anxiety and i couldn't sleep i decided to to quit cymbalta and switch to efferxor and baam !!! I started to feel horrible i thought it was the effexor but now i know is the cymbalta because i feel horrible since i messed with my dose. Now what should I do :/? please help. its the smallest dose so i really dont know should i take it every 2 days ? Like I am mentally ok I know this is just something temporal it will go but it still i feel like i swear like sadness and body pain. I just want to be ok to like do things normally :/ I want to go out and stuff but i feel really bad.
Thanks for help