I'm 19 (female) My anxiety is affecting my life, to the point where I've fell into depression. I recently had to let go of my toxic dysfunctional family, that ruined every part of my self esteem, However, my main problem I'm having is anxiety and obsessive thinking. I literally think about
the past and future so much that I can never focus on anything I'm doing at the moment. I overthink the "what ifs". This may sound kind of kid-like and childish so please excuse me for it. But I always feel like people don't like me, I always feel like people are gossiping about
and will soon spread rumors about
me, and everyone will be against me. I feel as if everyone thinks I'm slow or crazy but just not telling me. I worry and care so much of what people think of me, and I know its quite natural to care about
what others think of you and sometimes we should care, but in my case, I dwell on it and overanalyze it over and over until I find another worry to subsitute it with. I am always nervous probably 89.9 % of the time. I have a little bit of social anxiety$
I can't stop thinking about
"what ifs, and why's? Its hard to think about
happy things because All I think about
is negative things from the past or the "what ifs" in the future. I always feel people are out to get me... Maybe because my family would gang up on me whenever they would attack with their dysfunctional acts.
I'm sorry for the long passage, but I just wanted those who can help or who have experienced this to get a good understanding, and give me some advice on how to overcome this, without medicine, I'm scared to be put on medicine, terrified of the side effects, but get medication if Its mandatory. Is there a way to shake this? Have anyone ever experienced or is experiencing this?
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 3/29/2013 10:03:21 AM (GMT-6)