I remember my mom who had great pains from a variety of ailments and she tried hard to turn away from the pain but this did not help. I helped my mom to face the pain head-on. "Don't run away from it, face it!, feel it! see what it wants, accept it"
This definitely helped her at least while I was there coaching her. And this is the way I approach panic or pain or stress or anything else. You get better at it. It takes practice. t's not at all like taking a pill - instant relief, it's more like a change of lifestyle. You practice breathing to relax you. Like taking a giant sigh of relief. You keep up with the sighs of relief breathing, relaxing, breathing. Keep your mind focused on the rise and fall of the belly while breathing. You keep that up through minor disturbances and it will work. Then try it when things get more and more hectic - it will work but it takes practice. If someone is having severe panic attacks you might forget to do these exercises and feel lost. But if you can remember them then start the breathing. Breathing is what grounds you. When you identify with your breath (focusing on the rise and fall of the belly) you get grounded. But he quality of the relaxing and focusing is important that's why much practice is needed.
I flew back from Mexico last monday. An unexpected panic attack occurred. I felt I had to get in the aisle asap and walk but I stood my ground and breathed. In a few minutes it was gone. I am so greatful for learning this technique. It works.
I don't consider myself cured but as someone with a coping mechanism.