I really feel for you. If you possibly can, take the brave step and go to the Dr's and ask for help.
These days will never come again, they are precious and beautiful and your place is being with your precious children in both body and mind.
Reclaim your mind by seeking help. It sounds like panic/postnatal depression (I had this severely with my first baby) and help is available...
Read lots of posts on here too and you'll fathom you're not alone! This will bring you a sense of comfort and assurance that what you're experiencing is panic/high levels of anxiety.
The hormones from being pregnant and then post-natally are very strong. The body (let alone the mind!) doesn't heal and recover for up to one year!
You could also try some gentle herbs..as long as you double check with any meds (they're perfectly safe but I have to say that) like nettle tea, rose infused tea, chammomile with manuka honey.
I hope you begin to feel better very soon, anxiety is stealing your most special moments...go and get it back!