Posted 5/18/2013 5:31 PM (GMT 0)
Hi, I have alot going on about a week before my period. I feel like I will just be sitting there and all of a sudden I feel warm and like I am going to a different place. It's like an old memory or dream I am remembering. Afterwards I cannot remember all the thoughts. So I have tried to write down or talk about what I am going through and most times I can't think hard enough to put it down on paper or speak it. Then when it's over I have like a hot flash type thing that comes over me and it takes a while to stop freaking out about the weirdness that just happened. Sometimes during this time I have a different taste in my mouth. Most foods/ drinks taste different (not as good).
I have gone to the dr. I had looked up all this and found alot of same symptoms with people that have complex partial seizures. So I have been waiting for a referral to a neurologist. I guess these seizures aren't actual seizures you are thinking of. No one sees you are having one. I can function, drive, play it off like I am fine. Sometimes I can have conversations but sometimes I am so freaked out I have to say "hold on" and they look at me like "huh"?
Anyways now I am starting to think because I didn't have any the month I didn't drink any caffeine (last mo) and it is always a week before my period that it could be bad panic attacks. I know caffeine can cause anxiety. This month I didn't have any but maybe 1-2 times a week and I had it a couple times this week right before I started having this come on again. So maybe a combo of caffeine and hormones?
I am just wondering if a panic attack can be like what I mentioned. I know you can get all sweaty and freak out. Like last night I kept waking up totally in a panic, disoriented and feeling like something bad was in the house or gonna happen then it took a second and I realized it was my dream or panic. I never get nightmares and if I do it's a week before my period.
I guess this is how I feel during the day- like I am having a nightmare while I am awake and I panic. I am hoping it's this is it because the other scares me and I think would if I have a tumor? or the seizures get worse? These started probably about 3-4 years ago. Not every month. As I got older they would happen more frequently every month- 1 wk before my period and also have gotten worse that week. So it used to be maybe 2 small ones that whole week. Now it's like 4 days of the whole week. So I am hoping it is me getting older, hormones more off and caffeine?
I just don't know if all the weird "mind" state things I mentioned sound like a panic attack because when I found the complex partial seizures online they described exactly my issues. I know panic and anxiety can cause a lot of things.