Well He didn't prescribe me anymore meds. He actually told me to start Tia Chi. He said that all my aches and chest pains and everything is due to being so stressed. The weird thing is that the only thing stressing me out is my anxiety. I am always worried that something is wrong with me so therefore I am constantly tensed up. My husband told me that I started grinding my teeth at night. Which I don't believe I have ever done. I am also afraid that being so anxious and tense has caused me to start having effects of TMJ.
My jaw is constantly popping now and I catch myself clenching my jaw throughout the day and have to force myself to relax those muscles. My jaw clenching has started to cause headaches which isn't helping my anxiety because my mind goes to worst case scenario (Brain Problem) which then makes me more tense and anxious. This is like a visious circle that I am having a hard time getting out of.
Then there are times that I know its just anxiety because if I am busy at work, I am fine and feel fine. It's when I get home and i'm not busy that my mind starts wondering.
I would like to say that it's hard to talk to my family and husband at times because they just tell me that I am doing this to myself and its all in my mind. I always tell them that I have no idea why I would do this to myself. its not fun at all. its scary and its taking all the enjoyment out of my life. These are the best years of my daughters life and I am not fully enjoying them because of this stupid anxiety and that really upsets me.
The most normal times I have throughout the day are when im busy at work. Other than that I just want to lay in bed when I get home.