Hello, my name is Missy, im 22 and have been suffering from anxiety for a few years. I recently started seeing a therapist for my anxiety because I dont want to take tge meds. I come from a family that has addiction problems so I wont risk it. I tried ativan 1mg and I seriously fell 3 times walking up my stairs. Anyway... I have made it through the "helly legs" , the racing heart, the chest pain, the nausea, shakes and chills. But all of you know, when we get rid of one symptom, our mind creates another. I am having horrible shoulder blade pain. My therapist said this is normal, and I trust her, I just want to hear it from others and have someone relate.. I did what im not supposed to do and searcged web md, and now im freaking out thinking something is wrong with my lungs... Im not coughing, but anytime after a panic attack I will have body pains and my chest will be real tight. ( I was told this was hyperventilation) so with that, im having ahortness of breath. I hate feeling this way or sounding like a baby, I just want to feel normal and know im ok.