This post made me laugh about
the BP checking thing. I was all about
that about
a year and a half ago, if you look at some of my old posts, you'll see me and another member were always messing with each other about
it. I was ALWAYS checking my blood pressure and pulse, several times a day, to make sure I wasn't having a stroke or something!
Anyway, things started getting to that point again, and that's when I KNEW I had to get back on an SSRI, and that the xanax alone wasn't doing the job.
As a matter of fact, I just got done checking my blood pressure and pulse!!!
But yeah, I can't remember what my pulse rate has maxed out at, but when I was in the hospital ER one time it was like 160 or something during an attack. I asked them, after they were done with my blood work, EKG, and giving me a mg of Ativan through IV, if I could leave yet, and the nurse says to me "The doctors just waiting for your heart rate to go down a bit" So I asked her what it was, and she told me it was still at 100, I just laughed and said "well he's gonna be sitting here all day waiting for that to happen!" She asked why and I told her that that is what my resting heart rate is. LOL!
The things we do to ourselves from the fear of having anxiety seems crazy sometimes....