Hello my name is Deanna. Im a 31 yrs old married female. And I am new to anxiety only been dealing with it for about
2 months (but 2 long months).
It all started when my husband started a new job. He was laid off from his previous job nearly a year ago. Because he was having some health problems and was passing out at work with numerous trip to the ER and doctors.
My first panic attack i had i didnt know what it was i felt really lightheaded and thought i was going to pass out, had a racing heart and was sick at my stomach. Thought i just had some kind of virus cause i felt horrible for several days afterward. Didnt have another one for 2 weeks and then thought i was having a heart attack went to the er 2 be told it was just heart palps. had another one 2 days later so went back and was told it was GERD. Done EKG and blood work both time and everything came back good both times. Even said they couldnt asked for a better EKG out of a child.
Started taking Prilosec which helped some but was still having chest pain and then i realized this was from anxiety. Went to dr and said i had anxiety/depression and prescribed me prozac which i have been on for nearly a month.Has helped some. Would love yalls help and input.