It's so silly but true: just don't think about it. I'm not having the most easy of days today but thats likely because I've got a lot of big-wigs in town, meetings, family pressure and all sorts that's making me bit symptomatic today.
What I foud that works best for me and makes me feel great is when I go do the thigs that I normally do: like going to work, the mall, out to eat, etc. I noticed a few weeks ago the ruminating thouights coming back and part of it was because I had built this protective schedule around my life. I went to work, made dinner, cleaned house, went to bed all fairly anxiety-free but I wasn't really living.
So, this past weekend a friend came over and took me to the mall to go pants shopping with him. First time I'd been to the mall in at least 3 months so I was avoiding someplace I frequented, I didn't realize I was doing that.
In the end it was fun, the mall is a great place to go to be distracted and enjoy oneself.
The agorphobia might set on you if you keep thinking of it. But you can get over it by putting yourself into normal life again, even with the sick to your stomach feeling and sweaty palms and all that. I've sat through meetings the last couple of weeks where somethng just sets off my anxiety, but I made it every time without needing to leave or take a xanax. So, part of the key is in just leading your life full blast.
Another thing I noticed I was doing was being deliberately careful about how fast I was working during the day so as to avoid bringing on my anxiety. I realized that I am OK working full-blast speed, and felt better about it. I am kicking these self-protective habits and going forward hell or high water.
I found also for me, that not frequenting the forum, as great as it is helps me to just go on with my anxiety. Try a few days without this place, jump right back into what you were doing even if you have to fake it to make it.
And don't worry about becoming agoraphobic, that may only happen if you give yourself self-pity. So go be the life of the party even if you are freaking out at the same time you and I both know you will be fine.
Take care & hope you are feeling better soon.