Like your mom, I was totally against meds, until my anxiety totally got out of control and I thought I would lose my job. My job requires a lot of things that trigger my anxiety and panic, but we all know sometimes it comes out of nowhere..
It was not until I nearly past out, and ultimately completely freaked out in front of a group while giving a speech that I finally had to do something. I was close to losing my job.
Like you, I'm not depressed, so I fought off anti-depressants. I caved and took Klonopin (a benzo med). I took it only when on highway, or giving speeches. However, as my anxiety got worse, I need it most days.
Like those who have posted above me, I agree, I too had to see a few therapist until I found the one (doctor #4) that has helped. He is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. I think psychologists are more likely to provide cognitive natural approaches.
I am adult, so I did have control over my meds. Klonopin helped me at least function and get through daily triggers. Again, a cautionary tale, it is a drug that needs close monitoring, and can be addictive, but it truly at least takes the edge off so you can seek natural therapies.
5 years after starting it, my doctor insisted over and over I go on an antidepressant so that I can eventually "balance out" and wean off Klonopin. I agreed and have been on Lexapro for almost a year now. It has not done much for me at all. I have an appointment with him and will tell him. He is my family doctor.
I keep trying natural methods, and I try non-med days with Klonopin. If I have nowhere to go, I skip it completely. If I have a light day at work, I take half a dose etc. I'm a bit troubled giving a 17 year old advice to take Klonopin, but if it was restricted to times you leave the house to go to therapy, and you start with the lowest dose that works, I think it will get you to the treatment you need, with a therapist that knows your mission is not to stay on drugs and is known for cognitive therapies!! Cognitive has helped. It makes me know and understand what is going on with me, so then I can have some mental control over it. I need to return to therapy so I continue to get better and get off meds, but right now my job gives me little time. Also, I have read numerous books on anxiety, and just knowing what it is, and getting cognitive advice from what I read helps.
SC as right, we are all here for you. This site has been a blessing for me, hang in there and know you have a supportive group here for you!